Mike Noel - The Credit Card Guy
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The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS) has imposed guidelines for handling credit cards. By completing the mandatory Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) you will learn about important safety measures for protecting your customer's sensitive card holder data.

Merchants who do not complete the SAQ will be subject to monthly non compliance fees, as well as being vulnerable to fines and penalties if there is a breach traced back to your business.

Panoptic Security is one of many 3rd party companies specializing in automating and simplifying the Survey process. Using Panoptic is NOT a requirement but we are very pleased with the prompt service support we have received when working with them.

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- Low monthly fixed fees
- Short term contract obligations
- Zero monthly minimum fees
- Low cost stand-alone equipment options
- Virtual terminal optional
- Support for one day fund raisers

Counter top card swipe machines

Credit Card Processing


Credit card capture and response forms
Not every ecommerce application requires a shopping cart.
Sometimes, just a simple form will do.  Here are some examples of
Capture and Response forms that really simplify things for the customer.
Click on any of the sample images below to see for yourself

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